[fpc-pascal]IDE Error:"Can' open fp_____.err

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Fri Dec 8 12:36:07 CET 2000

>i'm new to fpc but used to program in bp7.
>after installing fpc i tried to compile a simple 'Hello, World!' Program
>from the ide, but i only got the error message:
>Can't open fp____.err

This is a bug in the 1.0.2 release of the IDE. It happens when you try to 
compile a program which is not in the current directory. Either start 
fp.exe from the directory where the source file is located, or use the 
"Change Directory..." command from the file menu to go to the directory 
where the file is located as a workaround.

In the mean time, this and many other bugs in the ID have already been 
fixed. You can get a binary snapshot of the current IDE from 
<ftp://einstein.brain.uni-freiburg.de/pub/fpc/snapshot/v10/win32/>, get 
both basew32.zip and idew32.zip. Read "ide-etc-read.txt" for installation 

(this is for the windows version, the dos version is under go32v2/ and 
the files there are called basego32.zip and idego32.zip)


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