[fpc-other] Stanford Pascal Compiler successfully ported to Windows, OS/2 and Linux

Bernd Oppolzer bernd.oppolzer at t-online.de
Sat Dec 24 15:20:21 CET 2016

Am 24.12.2016 um 14:21 schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:
> On 24/12/16 12:30, Bernd Oppolzer wrote:
>> Regarding ^:
>> "my" compiler supports different representations for the pointer symbol,
>> and for other
>> critical symbols, too:
>> ^  @  ->   for the pointer symbol (I use -> most of the time)
>> [   (.   (/   for arrays
>> {   (*  /*   for comments  ("comment" is supported, too, for historic
>> reasons)
> /* was the form used in the first edition of Wirth's description of 
> Pascal (might have been before Jensen was there to help out). However 
> I'd strongly suggest deprecating @ and replacing it with another 
> digraph, it's used as the address-of operator in Turbo Pascal and its 
> successors.

I don't like @, too. What you told me about the address-of operator
in Turbo Pascal etc. is a very strong reason to get rid of @; I will 
think about it.
I converted all relevant sources (including the compiler itself) to ->,
so this would be ok for me.

I have a function ADDR, which gets the address of every variable (not only
heap elements), automatic and static variables (which I added), too.
ADDR returns an untyped pointer, which is compatible
to every other pointer type, much the same as the constant NIL.
There is a function PTRCAST, which casts every pointer type
to this untyped pointer type. And functions PTRADD, PTRDIFF and so on ...
I borrowed some of the names from PL/1.

Maybe pandora's box, but I need this to do some of the more systems related
work. For example: I rewrote the LE storage management in Pascal and 
made it
available to the Stanford Pascal runtime (new functions ALLOC and FREE);
this works perfectly with Hercules and VM; it still has to be tested
with Windows - Linux - OS/2.

I added /* to the list of allowable symbols for comments, because it's 
what I knew
from PL/1 and C. Comments have to be terminated by the same symbol which
started them, and: they may be nested (as with FPC).

Kind regards


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