[fpc-devel] A call to help test pure functions

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Mon Oct 2 19:40:03 CEST 2023

As an additional note - apologies to those who responded to me directly, 
but for some reason, GMail doesn't like e-mails coming from my domain 
name, so I have to use my own GMail account, watercrane86 at gmail.com to 


On 02/10/2023 18:21, J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel wrote:
> No mode switch - just apply the changes from my branch over at 
> https://gitlab.com/CuriousKit/optimisations/-/tree/pure?ref_type=heads. 
> To mark a function as pure, append the directive "pure" after the 
> function definition, like you would with "virtual" or "inline", say.
> Given it's a Free Pascal construct, it probably should be disabled in 
> Delphi mode etc, but currently it isn't.
> Kit
> On 02/10/2023 12:43, Mattias Gaertner via fpc-devel wrote:
>> On 29.09.23 21:28, J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel wrote:
>>> [...]  As the examples imply, to mark as a function as pure, simply
>>> use the new "pure" directive.
>> When is it available? Is there a modeswitch?
>> Mattias
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