[fpc-devel] declaration of GetCharacterPlacementW(

Marco van de Voort core at pascalprogramming.org
Mon Oct 5 10:33:39 CEST 2020

Op 05/10/2020 om 01:31 schreef Martin via fpc-devel:
> function GetCharacterPlacementW(DC: HDC; p2: LPWSTR; p3, p4: BOOL; var 
> p5: TGCPResults; p6: DWORD): DWORD; external 'gdi32' name 
> 'GetCharacterPlacementW';
> Why are p3 and p4 Bool? They should be both int?
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/nf-wingdi-getcharacterplacementw 
The var parameter generation suggests it is old, original API generation

Maybe the type changed in MSDN over time. Some things got flipped when 
the win9x and winnt winapi implementations were synchronized.

Please file a bug, and I'll add a correct overload (with int and without 
VAR param etc), and move this declaration to legacy

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