[fpc-devel] Linux Binary - Socket Output affected by SystemCtl, HELP!

Ozz Nixon ozznixon at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 16:46:01 CET 2020

> That proves the problem is unrelated to sockets. Is is related to
string/encoding handling.

Now that makes a lot more sense than the socket doing goofy magic. The
string layer in FPC doing goofy magic!

I am trying your .sh script idea now...

On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 9:42 AM Nikolai Zhubr via fpc-devel <
fpc-devel at lists.freepascal.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> 29.01.2020 18:07, Ozz Nixon via fpc-devel:
> > 1. My code does not directly interact with any environment variables.
> Ok.
> > ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/coderunner2
> I'd suggest, as a quick and horrible temporary hack/test, replace this
> direct binary call with a shell wrapper, lets name it e.g.
> coderunner2.sh, containing something like:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "LANG=$LANG" >>/tmp/test.txt
> echo "LOCALE=$LOCALE" >>/tmp/test.txt
> export LC_ALL=C
> /usr/local/bin/coderunner2
> (Put it into /usr/local/bin/ as otherwise systemd might refuse it; I
> suppose the script is simple enough to be self-explanatory)
> > 3. I do not see anything in that file that would override socket output.
> Sure.
> > 5. per wireshark, tcpdump (if the same) - it shows '?' is being sent
> > when the daemon is managed by systemctl, and the expected 8bit is sent
> > when ran at the shell prompt.
> That proves the problem is unrelated to sockets. Is is related to
> string/encoding handling.
> HTH...
> Regards,
> Nikolai
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