[fpc-devel] Registers reloading

Marco Borsari borsa77 at libero.it
Thu Jul 18 15:33:20 CEST 2019

Hi all,
does the compiler have the optimization to avoid reloading into
a register of an address (or a value) whether it is already
I ask this because of this code fragment compiled with the -O4

	# Register eax allocated
# [726] T := T-1;
	subw	$1,2(%ebx)
	# Register ax released
	# Register edx allocated
# [727] H6 := @STK^[T];
	movl	U_$GLOBALS_$$_STK,%edx
	# Register eax allocated
	movzwl	2(%ebx),%eax
	leal	-8(%edx,%eax,8),%eax
	# Register edx released
	movl	%eax,-256(%ebp)
# [728] H7 := H6;
	movl	%eax,-260(%ebp) <-(1)
	# Register eax released
# [729] Inc(H7, 1);
	addl	$8,-260(%ebp)
	# Register eax allocated
# [730] H6^.I := H6^.I+H7^.I;
	movl	-256(%ebp),%eax <-(2)
	# Register ecx allocated
	movswl	4(%eax),%ecx
	movl	-260(%ebp),%eax
	# Register edx allocated
	movswl	4(%eax),%edx
	leal	(%ecx,%edx),%eax
	# Register ecx released
	movw	%ax,%dx
	movl	-256(%ebp),%eax <-(3)
	movw	%dx,4(%eax)
	# Register eax,dx released

In (1) the compiler assumes that eax has the correct
address but in (2) does not omit to reload it (eax released
too soon).
Both seem to be of the same level of the analysis complexity,
more deeper should be takes into account of (3) with the use of
a supplementar registers as si or di (they are used in other parts of 
the code).
Thank you for any response, Marco Borsari

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