[fpc-devel] TRegistry fixes

Marco van de Voort fpc at pascalprogramming.org
Tue Feb 12 09:59:23 CET 2019

Op 2019-02-12 om 08:30 schreef Michael Van Canneyt:
> As far as I know, Marco is working mainly on Windows these days.

Yes. And Stack is now mostly gone (a single shared Linux server 
remaining), so the whole BSD motivation is also gone after 25 years.

> But I am familiar with the TRegistry implementation.
> If Marco has no time, I can look at it myself during the weekend.
> I will need to boot a Windows VM and update FPC on that. I just need to
> remember on which one I have an FPC checked out :)
I do a lot of Windows, but I don't use registry, neither in Delphi nor 
FPC. In both places I mostly use TXMLConfig for configuration.  I 
already did some of the simpler stuff, and see if I can chip stuff off 
in the coming days.

But I can remember that the mentioned utf8* in Windows code were a code 
smell back then, and I waited long to merge them. So I'm not surprised 
this turns up now.

But my coming weekends are a bit busy, my brother is moving.

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