[fpc-devel] AVR calling convention for shortstring result type

Christo christo.crause at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 21:58:26 CET 2017

I'm trying to write an assembler function to read a string from program memory using LPM and
return a shortstring result.  Consider the following prototype function:

function readProgmemStr(constref s: shortstring): shortstring;

It appears from the generated code as if the function result location is assigned before the
function is called, with the reference to the function result passed as first parameter (in
R24:R25) and the reference to s passed as the second parameter (in R22:R23). Is this indeed the
current parameter handling for shortstring function result type?

If so it probably warrants a mention on the AVR wiki page.  Are there any other data types that
deviates from the GCC AVR calling convention in this way?

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