[fpc-devel] Initialize/Finalize management operators and Default intrinsic

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 01:36:49 CEST 2016

I am really looking forward to runtime package support. :)

As far as game engine design, I wanted/prefer a KISS style similar to XNA.
That is you just derive a game class and override two methods: Logic() and
Render() and each is passed a Stopwatch class representing time. One you
fill in with game state (Logic), the other you fill in with drawing stuff
(Render). Finally the engine provides a lot of functionality to help you
with both such as Sprite classes for both collision
detection/movement/storyboarding or a canvas class for vector graphics in a
3D world.

I think the popularity of Unity is due to it providing a single toolkit
which can target all devices including render in a webpage canvas using a
common core. Sure the tooling helps, but I think it's more along the lines
of everything for all platforms works without a whole lot of finangling,
rather than having built in visual editors for stuff. I mean if anyoen is
at all serious their going to need external programs like Gimp/Photoshop
for creating sprite sheets and textures, a 3D modeler like modo for
creating models and  UV maps, a bone editor like Spine to create
animations, something like Audactity for editing sound, and if their like
me they'll probably end up writing their own external tools like a level


Plus a whole lot more external tools. So from my perspective (and maybe a
lot of others as well) a game engine IDE should primarily be focused on
making compilation and targetting of many platforms transparent. In that
regard Lazarus/FPC still needs some work. Setting up the IDE and compiler
to get a GL context working on Android/iOS or every transpiling to
Javascript for web ... yeah we're not there yet (I am working on
distributing the Android part).
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