[fpc-devel] Pascal Standard, and what we can do.

Frederic Da Vitoria davitofrg at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 12:11:15 CEST 2015

2015-07-23 11:45 GMT+02:00 Michael Schnell <mschnell at lumino.de>:

> On 07/22/2015 11:21 PM, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
>> Declare before use has at least one technical advantage: it allows to
>> make much faster compliers. Declare before use allows to compile in one
>> pass, while compilers for languages like C need at least 2 passes.
> ???
> ANSI C is a  "Declare before use" language, too.

Ah yes, I was referring to old C syntax. I so much hated it that I never
looked back into it since.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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