[fpc-devel] DF64 BSD -- FPC running natively but argument address mangling prevents bootstrap

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Nov 18 20:07:37 CET 2014

In our previous episode, John Marino said:
> >>
> >> If something is wrong it sometimes shows up in ptrace.
> >>
> >> getcwd is a likely candidate since afaik that changed FreeBSD 5+
> > 
> getcwd seems to work okay, I don't think that's a problem.
> This is where the problems start (cfileutl.pas, PathExists function):
> if allowcache then
>   Result:=DirCache.DirectoryExists(hs)
> The DirCache.DirectoryExists function always returns false, even on
> valid paths.
> Still looking...

/me points to the fallback code of when fpgetcwd fails in unix/sysdir.inc:
function  do_getdir.

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