[fpc-devel] New targets for FPC - Windows Phone 8 and Flash

Sergio Flores relfos at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 21:05:02 CEST 2014

Thanks Sven, really useful info, the kind of stuff that was missing in the
I've investigate this throughfully, and decided to go with another aproach,
make a translator from Pascal to other languages (C#  for now, possibly
ActionScript later).
It is like Dmitry said before, this is a better approach. While it would be
more interesting to have FPC directly support those targets, having to mess
with a compiler that I don't know the internals and also having to debug
very low level stuff would be difficult compared to just generate and
validate C# code.

I will not start this from scratch, I already have a half done project that
I started some months ago, hopefully if I finish this I will announce it
somewhere, in case someone also has any use for it.
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