[fpc-devel] For Stocki. Regarding interfaces.

thaddy at thaddy.com thaddy at thaddy.com
Tue Aug 26 21:59:04 CEST 2014

I made some mistakes here as well. About 20 years ago I knew what was 
going on.
I am sorry I didn't put the mail in the proper context.



On 26-8-2014 21:55, Sven Barth wrote:
> On 26.08.2014 17:27, thaddy at thaddy.com wrote:
>> Stocki,
>> Since your report was closed and I didn't fully (the closing) agree with
>> that without research, here's a part of my research:
> [...]
>> I hope this sheds some new light on the matter that bothers you so much.
> Addendum: 
> http://wiert.me/2014/08/06/delphi-using-iinterface-to-restore-cursor-at-end-of-mehod-prelude-to-a-memento-that-executes-any-code-at-end-of-method/
> (look at the comments by me)
> And unless we have it somewhere black on white in the official 
> documentation we won't change anything there. And even then we'd 
> likely only do it for mode Delphi...
> Note: It would have been nice if you mentioned the issue which you are 
> refering to. Not everyone has an eye on the bug tracker...
> Regards,
> Sven
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