[fpc-devel] FreeNotification and opRemove

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Mar 8 14:51:44 CET 2012

On 08/03/2012 13:44, Martin wrote:
> In the following code, I thing is the problem:
> Procedure TComponent.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
>   Operation: TOperation);
> Var Runner : Longint;
> begin
>   If (Operation=opRemove) and Assigned(FFreeNotifies) then
>     begin
>     FFreeNotifies.Remove(AComponent);
> ...
> It removes only one of the 2 notify entries.
> If opRemove is to remove FreeNotifications, then it mus remove them 
> bi-directional, same as RemoveFreeNotification does

That is: I have not checked if Delphi removes the FreeNotify at all.
But I assume, if it does, it does both...

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