[fpc-devel] Documentation contribution

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Feb 10 20:05:52 CET 2012

Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com> hat am 10. Februar 2012 um
12:32 geschrieben:

> Again I found almost all of my notes removed from the LCL documentation.
> If this is how my work is honored, I see no reason why I should spend
> any more time with contributing to the Lazarus documentation :-(

Have you looked into the svn log? Maybe there is a reason. If not, then ask
the person.

> When somebody is not happy with notes about wrong or missing
> documentation in the final docs, a feature (tag?) should be added to
> FPDoc, allowing for editor notes and to show or hide these in the final
> docs.

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