[fpc-devel] Unicode resource strings

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Mon Aug 20 19:54:52 CEST 2012

Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:

> The "delphi compatibility" is purely a myth too. FPC isn't compatible 
> with a single Delphi version (except maybe the 10 year old Delphi 7). 
> For any newer Delphi versions, it has bits of this, bits of that... I 
> wouldn't call that "compatible".


Since the Delphi versions are incompatible amongst each other, how can a 
single RTL and compiler mode switch support *all* these versions?

The same argument for the LCL, which is (and can not be) compatible with 
any specific VCL version, on non-Win32 platforms/widgetsets.

> So lets try and keep the "delphi compatibly" out of this discussion of 
> the FPC Compiler and Unicode support.



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