[fpc-devel] Status and ideas about debug info (stabs, dwarf / dwar3)

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Mon Sep 12 22:37:17 CEST 2011

Martin schrieb:

>> You can't have one tool for everybody and everything. A debugger can 
>> not (and must not) know about all languages. Language specific support 
>> IMO should reside in another layer (IDE, plugin...) between the 
>> debugger and the user.
> Never said that. My statement was about pascal (fpc) only.
> people debug fpc compiled code, in various ways. some use plain gdb, 
> others use MSEIDE, some Lazarus, maybe some use other gdb frontends...

IMO using gdb is not much more than using an disassembler, WRT 
inspecting values.

> Any debug info, encoded into the app must not prevent people from using 
> any of those methods. That does not mean that all of those must 
> understand the added info. By far not, only that all of them must not be 
> stopped from using already present info, just because new info was added.

I expect that RTTI is used by an FPC debugger, but I don't expect that 
external debuggers use RTTI, beyond their own (language independent) specs.


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