[fpc-devel] TFPCustomCanvas drawing routines

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Wed Jan 26 16:54:36 CET 2011


Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com> hat am 26.
Januar 2011 um 16:45 geschrieben:

> Hello,
> I am extending the converter of FPVectorial to Canvas, but I got stuck
> at the lack of drawing methods in TFPCustomCanvas. It lacks Arc,
> Chord, PolyBezier, etc.
> The end point being that it gets really hard to use TFPCustomCanvas,
> the easiest solution being simply dropping support for it and going
> for TCanvas instead. 
The Bezier functions of TCanvas are implemented platform independent in the LCL.
It should not be hard to port/move them to fpimage.

> Should more drawing routines be added at least as stubs?

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