[fpc-devel] Re: RFC: Delphi style class helpers

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Fri Jan 7 11:50:57 CET 2011

07.01.2011 17:43, Jonas Maebe wrote:
> When you can reuse (or *slightly* modify/generalise) an existing 
> message, do so. Otherwise add a new one. To do so, edit 
> compiler/msg/errore.msg and add a new entry at the end of the 
> appropriate category, along with a description. If you're not sure, 
> search for a related message and add it to the end of its category. 
> See the text at the top for an explanation of the format of the messages.
> When you "make" the compiler, the message files will automatically be 
> regenerated from errore.msg
Sometimes I need to edit the message. In this case I also modify other 
error[lang].msg files. Is this correct or I should use some automated 

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

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