[fpc-devel] make clean problem with 2.6 fixes bracnh

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Aug 30 12:57:21 CEST 2011

Sorry, my mailer choose to send this while I was still typing....

On 30/08/2011 11:55, Martin wrote:
> very weird issue;
> I have a batch fiel, that does (sucesfull):
> make.exe clean  distclean
> make.exe all   LINKSMART=1  CREATESMART=1  OPTIMIZE=1  OPT="-gl -O3 
> make.exe install  INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\FPC\fix_2_6_0  COPYTREE=echo 
> UPXPROG=echo
> Then the makefile should execute another
> make clean
> and that always fails. It appears to dislike the fpmake.exe in 
> fcl-web, but that was created by the above (I did delete it before I 
> started the overall process, so it was definetly reated by the above)
> The error I get:
> { .\fpmake.exe distclean --localunitdir=../.. --globalunitdir=.. 
> --os=win32 --cpu=i386 -o -Ur -o -Xs -o -O2 -o -n -o 
> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/fix_2_6/rtl -o -FuC:/FPC/SVN/fix_2_6/packages/hash -o 
> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/fix_2_6/packages/paszlib -o 
> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/fix_2_6/packages/fcl-process -o 
> -FuC:/FPC/SVN/fix_2_6/packages/fpmkunit -o -FE. -o -FUunits/i386-win32 
> -o -di386 -o -dRELEASE --compiler=c:/FPC/SVN/ppc386_2_4_4.exe; if [ $? 
> != "0" ]; then { echo Something wrong with fpmake exectable. Remove 
> the executable and call make recursively to recover.; 
> C:/FPC/SVN/trunk_build/
> rm.exe -f .\fpmake.exe; make fpc_cleanall; }; fi;  }
> '{' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> the part of the fcl-web makefile that is probably responsibel

distclean:    $(addsuffix _distclean,$(TARGET_DIRS)) fpc_distclean
     { $(FPMAKE_BIN_CLEAN) distclean --localunitdir=../.. 
--globalunitdir=.. $(FPC_TARGETOPT) $(addprefix -o ,$(FPCOPT)) 
--compiler=$(FPC); if [ $$? != "0" ]; then { echo Something wrong with 
fpmake exectable. Remove the executable and call make recursively to 
recover.; $(DEL) $(FPMAKE_BIN_CLEAN); $(MAKE) fpc_cleanall; }; fi;  }

It has the leading "{"

Note that I am only running ake clean, not make distclean?

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