[fpc-devel] Threading support and C library under Linux/Unix

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 13:25:50 CEST 2010

On 22/06/10 11:40, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> OK, the subject sounded vaguely familiar, so when I Googled it, I found my
> own posting back in 2009 asking the same questions. :-)  I'll extend the
> wiki multi-threading page with the answers that was given last time.
> Just another question. Windows gets its threading support from the Win API.
> Similar for OS/2. Doesn't the Linux kernel have a similar threading API, or
> do they just rely on the C library?
> If not, then I gather the C library (libc, glibc or whatever is used these
> days) implemented threading in C code using the POSIX spec as the guide. So
> couldn't one implement the POSIX spec (thinking of threading support only)
> in pure Object Pascal?

Yes, but that would probably be a very daunting task.

> Does the Qt framework also rely on the GNU C library, or do they have there
> own threading implementation?

Qt is a c++ framework, so they rely on libc anyway.  I can't see a 
reason why they would implement their own threading.


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