[fpc-devel] is that intended? private type section in classes versus visibility

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 15:19:14 CEST 2010

Op 2010-07-27 13:54, Joost van der Sluis het geskryf:
> About the observer support. If I got it right, it wasn't your code but
> Michael's code form some years back.

Michael and Sebastian thought about it yes (data binding to controls), but
nothing was implemented back then as far as I know (and this was long
before Lazarus existed). It's only after Michael saw how I implemented and
used the Model-GUI-Mediator design pattern (which heavily uses Observer) in
tiOPF, that he modelled his code on that. The code Michael and I would like
in the RTL is very similar to what is in tiOPF's MGM.

Check your emails dated 2009-03-15 titled "Lazarus, DB controls, Observers
and Mediators".

Anyway, observer is one small example with huge potential, but the trend
still holds - most of what I want to contribute is simply shot down. But
lets not stray the subject of this thread again.

> And the idea is not shot down, it's
> just still under discussion. Just to see if we can come to a better
> solution.

Oh like Macro's idea of creating your own RTL is a better solution. Yeah right.

> If you need a new feature and you can code it yourself. Go ahead and
> code. (You can always ask questions or discuss things here)

No point in wasting my time implementing something that will not be
accepted. So now I discuss first.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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