[fpc-devel] Compiler bottlenecks]

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Wed Jul 14 17:02:17 CEST 2010

Adem wrote on Wed, 14 Jul 2010:

>  On 2010-07-14 13:29, Thaddy wrote:
> The one thing that caught my eye that might or might not be reason  
> to worry is this:
> "Memory Usage
> Part of the speedup that TopMemory achieves comes from allocating  
> more memory then necessary and grouping allocations that are in the  
> same sizerange.
> Any comments on that?

This technique is well known and implemented by virtually all memory  
managers these days (it's called pooling, or freelists). FPC's default  
memory manager also does that (up to a certain allocation size).

Unless you create huge pools, it does not affect total memory much.


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