cpstrnew branch (was Re: [fpc-devel] Freepascal 2.4.0rc1 released)

Martin Schreiber fpmse at bluewin.ch
Wed Nov 11 14:52:11 CET 2009

On Wednesday 11 November 2009 13:47:43 Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> > I try to prove the exciting statement. How can I build a startup compiler
> > for the cpstrnew branch or
> I use the 2.2.4/2.4.0 ide to build the compiler, so make in the cpstrnew
> branch compiler dir should work using 2.2.4/2.4.0
program overhead;
{$ifdef FPC}{$mode objfpc}{$h+}{$endif}
{$ifdef mswindows}{$apptype console}{$endif}
 str1: unicodestring;
 str1:= 'abcde';

Free Pascal Compiler version 2.3.1 [2009/11/11] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2009 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling overhead.pas
Compiling /home/mse/packs/standard/svn/fp/cpstrnew/rtl/linux/system.pp
Fatal: Compilation aborted
An unhandled exception occurred at $FFFFFFF4 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
  $0813A594  DO_GENERATE_CODE,  line 1432 of psub.pas
  $0813A4D3  READ_PROC_BODY,  line 1508 of psub.pas
  $0813A8CA  READ_PROC,  line 1632 of psub.pas
  $0813ABA1  READ_DECLARATIONS,  line 1721 of psub.pas
  $08137884  BLOCK,  line 172 of psub.pas
  $08139F4E  TCGPROCINFO__PARSE_BODY,  line 1318 of psub.pas
  $08186A15  PROC_UNIT,  line 1127 of pmodules.pas
  $0816F93D  COMPILE,  line 394 of parser.pas
  $0817E22C  TPPUMODULE__LOADPPU,  line 1531 of fppu.pas
  $0818520C  ADDUNIT,  line 440 of pmodules.pas
  $0818555A  LOADDEFAULTUNITS,  line 556 of pmodules.pas
  $08188AF7  PROC_PROGRAM,  line 2005 of pmodules.pas
  $0816F977  COMPILE,  line 402 of parser.pas
  $0806986C  COMPILE,  line 246 of compiler.pas
  $08048256  main,  line 223 of pp.pas

pp.pas compiled with fixes_2_4 by
/home/mse/packs/standard/svn/fp/fixes_2_4/compiler/ppc386 -opp -Fu./systems/ -Fi./systems/ -Fl./systems/ -Fo./systems/ -Fu./x86/ -Fi./x86/ -Fl./x86/ -Fo./x86/ -Fu./i386/ -Fi./i386/ -Fl./i386/ -Fo./i386/ -l -Mobjfpc -Sh -dsvnfixes_2_4 -dI386 -gl 
-dsvnfixes_2_4 switches -F* directories in .fpc.cfg.


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