[fpc-devel] Rebuild Lazarus fails for some reason

ABorka fpc-devel at aborka.com
Thu Feb 19 10:07:08 CET 2009

Not sure that I did it right but attached are 2 screenshots as well as 
the original "make all" "make install" log from Lazarus compilation.
The c:\lazarus\ideintf\units\...\ contains the compiled 
componenttreeview files after "make install"

I was guessing I need to put " -u -t " into the
Configure Build Lazarus dialog into the "Options" field (screenshot 1)

And the second screenshot is what I see after the error comes.

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, ABorka wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Yes it was compiled when "make all" was called the first time, because
>> c:\lazarus\ideintf\units\i386-win32\ contains componenttreeview.ppu and
>> componenttreeview.o and both has the same date/time as all the other units
>> there (obviously, because all of them were created with the "make all" command
>> at once in step 5).
>> That is why it is very strange why this is happening.
>> It is a totally clean svn checkout and compilation, and without doing anything
>> within Lazarus, Im just trying to do a Tools->Rebuild Lazarus from menu after
>> Lazarus is first started. Of course, I got the error originally when tried to
>> add a package so I tried to track back what the problem is.
>> But even with a clean FPC/Lazarus SVN checkout and build this problem is
>> there.
>> I have no idea why it wants to recompile this unit, when nothing changed, no
>> packages added or removed, its just a simple rebuild Lazarus from the Tools
>> menu after a clean install.
> That's why you need to turn on more verbose messaging (-u -t), normally the
> compiler tells you why it wants to recompile a unit.
> Michael.
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