[fpc-devel] OS/2- make: Entering an unknown directory

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Sat Mar 29 17:10:49 CET 2008

On 29 Mar 2008, at 16:34, Tomas Hajny wrote:
> On Sat, March 29, 2008 16:05, Jonas Maebe wrote:
>> On 29 Mar 2008, at 15:47, Tomas Hajny wrote:
>>> As of now, the dependencies are the same for the whole
>>> directory gtk1 and I'm afraid that there's no way for making the
>>> dependency only valid for some targets and not others
>> You can specify separate dependencies for a particular targets in
>> Makefile.fpc, search e.g. for fcl-db_all in packages/Makefile.fpc
> If I understand you correctly, you refer to dependencies listed in the
> rules part of packages/Makefile.fpc (where the dependency of gtk1 on
> opengl is listed too, but it's conditional there). However, if you  
> look at
> packages/gtk1/Makefile.fpc, you can see the reference to opengl in  
> section
> [require]. This one is the the real issue for me and I'm not sure if  
> your
> recommendation can solve that.

The only effect of [require] sections is that -Fu/path/to/required/ 
dependency/units/$fpctarget is added when compiling. So those sections  
don't really matter (as long as you disable the compilation of  
gtkglarea for OS/2).


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