[fpc-devel] GetText's GetLanguageIDs()

Ales Katona almindor at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 11:47:35 CET 2008

Graeme Geldenhuys  wrote / napĂ­sal(a):

I use getText in my game and I strip anything after 2 chars since I 
consider only the 2 char lang codes to be valid. Depends I guess...


> Hi
> I'm working on localization for the fpGUI project.  My idea is for the
> fpGUI toolkit to look for "fpgui.%s.po" files.  Where %s is the
> language ID. e.g.:  'en' or 'af_ZA' or 'en_GB' etc.
> Under Ubuntu Linux, if I call GetLanguageIDs() it returns the following two IDs.
> SystemLanguageID1 = en_ZA.UTF-8
> SystemLanguageID2 = en
> The problem here is the '.UTF-8' part.  Normally the translation (.po)
> files look like the following. 'fpgui.en.po' or 'fpgui.af_ZA.po' etc.
> It never contains the '.UTF-8' part in the po files. So in the case of
> the Afrikaans translation (af_ZA), the .po file is never found.  Am I
> supposed to handle that, by maybe looking for the '.UTF-8' part and
> stripping it, or can we extend GetLanguageIDs() to return 3 IDs
> instead?
> SystemLanguageID1 = en_ZA.UTF-8
> SystemLanguageID2 = en_ZA         (stripping anything from the . onwards)
> SystemLanguageID3 = en                (stripping anything from the _ onwards)
> Regards,
>   - Graeme -
> _______________________________________________
> fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
> http://opensoft.homeip.net/fpgui/
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