[fpc-devel] Lazarus: A new widgest set

Martin Schreiber fpmse at bluewin.ch
Tue Feb 19 14:46:53 CET 2008

On Tuesday 19 February 2008 11.13:13 Marco van de Voort wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 09:57:43AM +0100, Michael Schnell wrote:
> >> MSEifi is a system where MSEgui forms and Pascalscripts are transported
> >> over a communication channel and run in a clientside "MSEgui" browser or
> >> browser plugin. For the server side we need equivalent event handling as
> >> at the GUI clientside.
> >
> > For another project we need to provide access to a Free Pascal or Delphi
> > program via a browser (supposedly as a "secondary GUI"). Your statement
> > sounds as if this would be quite easily possible with MSEgui.
> >
> > Is this really possible with MSEgui ? Do you have a working example that
> > I can demonstrate to those of my colleagues who are planning this project
> > ?
> To me it sounds more like an X like protocol with an X server as plugin.
> (but then on MSEGUI instead of X widget scale)

The MSEifi server sends the form and datamodule definitions (the MSEgui 
equivalent of the Delphi *.dfm files)  to the client. The client "MSEgui 
browser" creates the forms and datamodules and loads the transferred 
resources. There are components to connect client and server datasets, to 
exchange events and to link values of data edit widgets.
There is a tform descendant (tscriptform) which links Pascalscript 
eventhandler with the event properties of the components on client side.
MSEide has the ability to load the script property of tscriptform from the 
pascal unit file. So if you use scriptable code only, you can run an 
application local in compiled form or remote in a "MSEgui browser".


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