[fpc-devel] how to recompile & install only a section of the FCL

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 15:06:02 CET 2008


I'm working on some minor improvements to 'fcl-fpcunit'. What is the
correct process to test my changes?  Surely I don't need to recompile
and install the *whole* FPC. This is quite annoying when I keep making
small changes and want to test.

Can I somehow compile and install just the 'fcl-fpcunit' code?

My FPC is currently checked out into /opt/fpc_2.2.3/src/  and I
install it to /opt/fpc_2.2.3/
Here is my usual build script.

--------[ startbuild.sh  ]---------------------
make clean
make install INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/fpc_2.2.3

At the moment I simply skip the 'make clean' section, but that still
means the whole FPC and bells and whistles get recompiled, but I would
prefer to only recompile AND INSTALL 'fcl-fpcunit'.  Anybody got a
clue how?

  - Graeme -

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