[fpc-devel] copyright infringement in FPC code

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 10:29:57 CET 2007

For those that don't follow the Lazarus mailing list.
It was brought to our attention by a ex-Borland employee (Steve
Trefethen), that FPC contains some stolen code from Delphi. Especially
Delphi 4 & 5.

The full discussion can be read here...

And a single code comparison can be seen here... FPC code is on the right.

I have heard that there is software that can do code comparisons to
find infringements (I'm thinking of a article between Linux and Minix
code).  Anybody got such a program available so we can possibly do a
automated comparison.  I'll try and find out what was used to compare
Minix and Linux code.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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