[fpc-devel] multiply resource files bug (commit 7515)

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Wed May 30 22:26:27 CEST 2007

On 30 May 2007, at 22:18, Vincent Snijders wrote:

>> - making sure that 2.2.0 is well tested and bugs identified.
> How does that help me?

By ensuring that those bugs can be fixed, and their fixes tested, the  
chance is very high that those fixes will be in 2.2.2 (unlike in case  
those bugs are fixed by the time the beta of 2.2.2 is running to its  

>> - Getting 2.2.2 out of the door quicklier.
> How I can do that? One obvious way is to make sure that there is a  
> critical bug in 2.2.0.

Merging the resources fix may just do that.


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