[fpc-devel] delphi compatibility issues

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Fri May 25 20:24:44 CEST 2007

Mario R. Carro wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to compile the JCL with FreePascal (the common, unix and vcl 
> folders). Excluding the portability errors in the JCL, I found some issues 
> that I think could be best solved by FPC (and benefit the porting of any 
> other Delphi project also). I'm using FPC from SVN (updated daily). 
> Here is a little list:
> - Some assembler does not compile. For example this function, in JclLogic.pas:
> procedure SetBitBuffer(var Value; const Bit: Cardinal);
> asm
>   BTS    [Value], Bit
> end;
> This unit can be compiled with FPC defining PUREPASCAL but with degraded 
> performance in many functions. 
> - Interface implementation delegation requires an interface type (but Delphi 
> accepts classes). For example, in JclSchedule.pas:
>     property DailyFreq: TDailyFreq read FDailyFreq implements 
> IJclScheduleDayFrequency;
> where TDailyFreq is a class (derived from TAggregatedObject).
> - Classes implementing interfaces must implement all the interface methods 
> (but Delphi compiles the code happily without them). 

Ow ?
I've coded a lot if interfaces with D6 and luckely it complained if I 
forgot to implement some of them.

What version of Delphi did you use ?


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