[fpc-devel] QT and FPC

ik idokan at gmail.com
Sun May 13 21:04:47 CEST 2007


First of all Thank you.

Here is my POC :

program qt_poc;
uses sysutils,qt4;

  app      : QApplicationH;
  window   : QWidgetH;
  message_ : QLabelH;
  text     : WideString;
  app      := QApplication_create(@argc, argv);
  text     := 'Hello World';
  window   := QWidget_create(nil, 1);
  message_ := QLabel_create(@text, window);

Please look at the attached image to see the result :)

And yes, I do know it does not free resources, but it's only a POC...

Personally I prefer GTK2, and my co-worker and a friend will want to
kill me tomorrow that I'll tell him that (he is a KDE developer at his
free time ;))

The person that bind QT made a really good work !
Thank you very much,


On 5/13/07, Giulio Bernardi <ugilio at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Is there any known to work binding for QT3 (or 4) that works without
> > using Lazarus ?
> Yes: http://users.pandora.be/Jan.Van.hijfte/qtforfpc/fpcqt4.html
> bye,
> Giulio

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