[fpc-devel] Wince hooks and ttimer support (for roozbeh and all fpc devs)

alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it
Wed Jan 17 14:14:53 CET 2007

Marco van de Voort ha scritto:
>>> If this is the case, you can't create anything but command-line tools
>>> that just block until their work is completely done. 
>> Huh? Just look at Spybot S&D, the WinCE version is written with FPC and it's
>> definitively more than a console program.
> Last week I used the crosssnapshots from Vincent to crosscompile a simple
> forms using app (one form, several widgets).
> The application worked fine, and the "complicated" manual to this looked as
> follows:
> 1 install laz 2.1.1 snapshot
> 2 install laz 2.1.1 wince cross supplement
> 3 create app
> 4 set widgetset to CE, cpu to arm, target to CE  ( so three in total!)
> 5 compile
> 6 copy to pda
> 7 run. 
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Yes... i'm doing that from more than a month, the problem is that some 
components are missing, like lnet, for the problem i told in the 
previous emails...

p.s. i didn't knew that he was usin lazarus to make a spybot search and 
destroy for wince, that's good, but how did he managed to use networking 
without working components? he's doing it all alone?

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