[fpc-devel] Wince hooks and ttimer support (for roozbeh and all fpc devs)

alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it
Wed Jan 17 13:34:35 CET 2007

Vincent Snijders ha scritto:
> alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it schreef:
>>>> 2) make the ttimer work on wince, so he can call the CallAction 
>>>> function that manages the connection "sometime" indipendently from 
>>>> the application. That would be a workaround (so useful for me) but 
>>>> not the definitive solution for lnet.
>>> TTimer does not work on WINCE ?!?!?
>>> If this is the case, you can't create anything but command-line 
>>> tools that just block until their work is completely done. This is 
>>> OK for pure FPC programs, but anything "Lazarus-Like" (using the 
>>> LCL) will need such a thing.
>>> -Michael
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel at lists.freepascal.org
>>> http://lists.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/fpc-devel
>> No... the LCL works and a lot of things can be currently done, but 
>> the TTimer component is not implemented due to differences between 
>> win32 and wince api(s).
>> Reading this: http://www.rainer-keuchel.de/wince/wince-api-diffs.txt
>> You can read:
>> GetSystemTime()
>> The milli member might be zero. This is strange as GetTickCount()
>> returns millis (but since start of system).
> Time is absolutely irrelevant to Timer.
> Vincent
> _______________________________________________
> fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel at lists.freepascal.org
> http://lists.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/fpc-devel
I'm really a newbye in that things, i was just guessing :D

I just hope that one of that two issues will be resolved soon :D


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