[fpc-devel] Wince hooks and ttimer support (for roozbeh and all fpc devs)

alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it
Wed Jan 17 11:46:32 CET 2007

I just talked to Almindor and he arrived to the conclusion that there's 
something unfinished on WinCe LCL hooks.

There are two roads to make his lnet libs working:
1) make the hooks he normally use work, actually they seems to exist but 
they do nothing or make the application crash when called
2) make the ttimer work on wince, so he can call the CallAction function 
that manages the connection "sometime" indipendently from the 
application. That would be a workaround (so useful for me) but not the 
definitive solution for lnet.

I found that recent mail:
in wich Roozbeh talks about ttimer and it seems that he's working on it.

I just want to know if there are any news in that direction, due to the 
need to have lnet finished to avoid my cross-compile problems and get my 
application done.

Thanks in advance for any answer.

p.s. i'm trying to understand who works on wince, i got some minor bugs 
to report too, like a combobox-onclear()-width-odd-auto-shortening and 
something else.

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