[fpc-devel] arm-wince errors

alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it alvise.nicoletti at siteland.it
Wed Jan 3 17:29:27 CET 2007

Vincent build again the installer and this time it works correctly:

Tomorrow We (or if he want, I) 'll provide to change the lazarus 
guide... cause now it's really easyer to cross-compile from win32 to 
winCe platform with it. (just download and install the lazarus daily 
snapshot and the criss-cross installer).

Thanks to this installer i'll be able to compile both for wince and 
win32 with the same lazarus installations, now i'll do some networking 
testing using LNET and (maybe) SQLdb.

I know that i'm doing the pioneer in that kind of use of Lazarus in 
pocket pcs, so i'll provide tecnical information and debugging output of 
everything will happen.

In the meantime, i'll be able to go ahead with my work cause i can 
compile for win32 and use my software on it if inside wince it don't 
works as expected.

Thanks to Yury and everyone helped me,
hoping that .net will burn,
> From: "Yury Sidorov" <jura at cp-lab.com>
>> From: "Vincent Snijders" <vsnijders at quicknet.nl>
>>> Is svn head useable for arm-wince? Or does it need further testing, 
>>> because I can imagine the changes in revision 5714 are far reaching.
>>> Do I need to pass (or not pass) special command line parameters (I 
>>> pass "-CX -gl" for compiling the fpc rtl and fcl units)?. What can 
>>> be the cause for these crashes?
>> Vincent, I downloaded your cross installer and found that you 
>> included wrong binutils.
>> You included version, but supported version is 2.15.94.
>> Get it here: 
>> ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/contrib/cross/arm-wince-binutils.zip
> I forgot to mention: recompile all units with correct binutils.
> Yury Sidorov.
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