[fpc-devel] To make samples is my duty (as reporter) ?

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Sat Dec 22 09:19:24 CET 2007

Andrey Gusev schrieb:
> Apparently, i must accept as my duty only differential diagnostic
> between your and my code.

Yes, less or more :) That's the price for using OSS, see also the link

> I think, on stage of publishing (cutted) DM1.pas in #10457 report my
> duties was ended.
> The rest has been done only from my LOVE to fpc and lazarus (that error
> was not critical to my projects).

Guess what drives fpc and lazarus development?

> I expected more activity from developers team in serious errors
> investigation.


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