[fpc-devel] FPC 2.0.0 vs FPC 2.0.2 (div by zero)

Jose Manuel qkysoft at arrakis.es
Thu Mar 16 03:22:26 CET 2006

> > Set8087CW() in system unit
> > SetExceptionMask() in unit math
> >
> It was for MacOsX we needed to get rid of libc,
> I guess Set8087CW($133F) is not CPU independant (PowerPC,x86_64),

AFAIK, x86_32 will do too!!

> so I will use
> Math.SetExceptionMask([exDenormalized,exInvalidOp,exOverflow,e
> xPrecision,exUnderflow,exZeroDivide]);

I do agree it's much polite and cross platform, but doesn't seem to work in Windows XP Pro (only tested in WinXP Pro SP2) with GL 3.2 and FPC 2.0.2 (I've looked everywhere down my PC for a version number, but not found :-), I guess it oughtta be 4.1 but I can't stand for it). Anyway using Set8087CW (which is indeed CPU dependant) does work under my equipment, SetExceptionMask doesn't.

> I hope MacOsX is happier now (don't have one, so don't know)

Just to make it know (as a primarily Win NT user). I really don't know whether it is as it should be or it should be fixed :-?. A plain Win user as me normally use syscalls to the API, but I'm afraid it's comprimising compatability issues. Masters will tell, I hope :-)
> kind regards,

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