[fpc-devel] patch testreport

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Mon Aug 14 08:58:15 CEST 2006

> On 8/13/06, Darius Blaszijk <dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl> wrote:
> I have the same issue... Chicken and Egg situation.  Changes have been
> added to FPCUnit after FPC 2.0.2, but I need them now in Lazarus.  I
> applied a few patches, but most of them I am holding off until after
> the the FPC 2.0.4 release.  I figured the IFDEF's will be getting ugly
> in Lazarus, so only use the locally until 2.0.4.
> Anyway, I did this in our local projects and then use the FPC202 or
> FPC202OrAbove defines...
>   {$if defined(ver1) or (defined(ver2_0) and (fpc_patch<2))}
>     {$fatal tiOPF2 requires at least FPC 2.0.2}
>   {$ELSEIF (defined(ver2_0) and (fpc_patch=2))}
>     {$DEFINE FPC202}
>   {$ELSE}
>     {$DEFINE FPC202OrAbove}
>   {$IFEND}

Note that the ver1 check is afaik useless since ver1 doesn't support {$if

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