[fpc-devel] Patch for bug 2453

Sterling Bates swbates at telus.net
Sat Mar 26 22:55:29 CET 2005

This is my first shot, so be gentle :-) 

The patch assumes FP wants sufficient compatibility with BP 7. If so, it
fixes two problems; if not, at least it was a fun exercise.

First, BP ignores non-numeric characters when a ReadLn is called with an
integer parameter. To fix this, I changed ReadNumeric's end condition to
explicitly terminate on all non-numerics.

Second, BP will not read a Text file past an EOF character at all,
regardless of its location in the file. The fix for this is inelegant
(inline buffer check), but I can move this out to an external proc if it's
onerous to maintain.

It's likely there are things I haven't thought of, so I appreciate comments
on it.
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