Index: =================================================================== RCS file: /FPC/CVS/fpc/rtl/inc/,v retrieving revision 1.29 diff -w -b -i -u -p -1 -0 -r1.29 --- 14 Feb 2005 17:13:29 -0000 1.29 +++ 26 Mar 2005 21:34:02 -0000 @@ -756,21 +756,21 @@ Begin End; {$endif HASWIDECHAR} {***************************************************************************** Read(Ln) *****************************************************************************} Function NextChar(var f:Text;var s:string):Boolean; begin - if TextRec(f).BufPos#26) {$endif} then begin if length(s)=TextRec(f).BufEnd Then FileFunc(TextRec(f).InOutFunc)(TextRec(f)); NextChar:=true; @@ -784,43 +784,43 @@ Function IgnoreSpaces(var f:Text):Boolea { Removes all leading spaces,tab,eols from the input buffer, returns true if the buffer is empty } var s : string; begin s:=''; IgnoreSpaces:=false; { Return false when already at EOF } - if (TextRec(f).BufPos>=TextRec(f).BufEnd) then + if (TextRec(f).BufPos>=TextRec(f).BufEnd) {$ifdef EOF_CTRLZ} and (TextRec(f).Bufptr^[TextRec(f).BufPos]=#26) {$endif} then exit; while (TextRec(f).Bufptr^[TextRec(f).BufPos] in [#9,#10,#13,' ']) do begin if not NextChar(f,s) then exit; { EOF? } - if (TextRec(f).BufPos>=TextRec(f).BufEnd) then + if (TextRec(f).BufPos>=TextRec(f).BufEnd) {$ifdef EOF_CTRLZ} or (TextRec(f).Bufptr^[TextRec(f).BufPos]=#26) {$endif} then break; end; IgnoreSpaces:=true; end; procedure ReadNumeric(var f:Text;var s:string); { Read numeric input, if buffer is empty then return True } begin repeat if not NextChar(f,s) then exit; - until (length(s)=high(s)) or (TextRec(f).BufPtr^[TextRec(f).BufPos] in [#9,#10,#13,' ']); + until (length(s)=high(s)) or not (TextRec(f).BufPtr^[TextRec(f).BufPos] in ['+','-','.',',','0'..'9']); end; Procedure fpc_Read_End(var f:Text);[Public,Alias:'FPC_READ_END']; iocheck; {$ifdef hascompilerproc} compilerproc; {$endif} begin if TextRec(f).FlushFunc<>nil then FileFunc(TextRec(f).FlushFunc)(TextRec(f)); end; @@ -1049,24 +1049,25 @@ Begin end; exit; end; If TextRec(f).BufPos>=TextRec(f).BufEnd Then FileFunc(TextRec(f).InOutFunc)(TextRec(f)); hs:=''; if IgnoreSpaces(f) then begin { When spaces were found and we are now at EOF, then we return 0 } - if (TextRec(f).BufPos>=TextRec(f).BufEnd) then + if (TextRec(f).BufPos>=TextRec(f).BufEnd) {$ifdef EOF_CTRLZ} or (TextRec(f).Bufptr^[TextRec(f).BufPos]=#26) {$endif} then exit; ReadNumeric(f,hs); end; + if (hs <> '') then {$ifdef hascompilerproc} Val(hs,l,code); {$else hascompilerproc} Val(hs,fpc_Read_Text_SInt,code); {$endif hascompilerproc} If code<>0 Then InOutRes:=106; End;