[fpc-devel] functions within record declarations

Christopher Cureau chrisc at addpower.com
Mon Dec 5 17:30:10 CET 2005

Hi there!

I've been trying to compile some code that used to work in version 1.0.10 
of the compiler, but now seems to give errors.  In each of the errors 
below, it looks like a function is being put into a record, and the 
compiler doesn't like it.  I have pasted the relevant lines from fs.inc 
below along with the errors that the compiler throws.

Can anyone shed some light onto what has changed between compiler 

Chris Cureau

code: (line number prefixes...)

103:   file_system_type = record
104:     name       : string[20];
105:      fs_flag    : dword;
106:      read_super : function (sb : P_super_block_t) : P_super_block_t;
107:      next       : ^file_system_type;
108:   end;


Compiling kernel/main.pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.0 [2005/09/09] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling ./src/kernel/main.pp
fs.inc(107,37) Error: Type "file_system_type" is not completely defined
mm.inc(31,34) Error: Type "T_page_desc" is not completely defined
mm.inc(58,25) Error: Type "mmap_req" is not completely defined
mm.inc(59,25) Error: Type "mmap_req" is not completely defined
process.inc(109,35) Error: Type "pid_table_struct" is not completely 
main.pp(130,22) Error: Incompatible types: got "SmallInt" expected 
main.pp(131,22) Error: Incompatible types: got "LongWord" expected 
main.pp(207) Fatal: There were 7 errors compiling module, stopping
main.pp(207) Error: Compilation aborted

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