[fpc-devel] integer, cardinal

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.ugent.be
Mon Apr 18 10:46:23 CEST 2005

On 18 apr 2005, at 10:40, Vinzent Hoefler wrote:

> Oh, but while we're at it: fpc1.9.6 still gives me the Hint, that this
> PtrUInt/Address-Conversion isn't portable:
> |         WriteLn ('Runtime error ', ExitCode,
> |                  ' at 16#',
> |                  SysUtils.IntToHex (PtrUint(ErrorAddr),
> |                                     2 * SizeOf (ErrorAddr)),
> |                  '#');
> Is that fixed in the current version? Or am I thinking wrong when I
> think, this should - by definition - be portable? ;-)

They are, but ptrint and ptruint are just regular types. The compiler 
cannot know they are properly defined in each RTL unit, and you can 
override them to be something completely different. That's why it gave 
and still gives a warning.


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