[fpc-devel] Power PC Linux Optimize Port

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.ugent.be
Fri Apr 15 14:09:40 CEST 2005

On 15 apr 2005, at 13:56, Senthil Kumar wrote:

> A simple question. I am sure I will have a lot more down the road.
> To which release should I target it to ? The website says
> "Version 1.0.10 is the latest stable version the Free Pascal."
> Should I target that ? I don't want to use the latest CVS snap shot as
> that would make it a moving target (I don't know the code at all at 
> this
> point)

No, you should definitely port version 1.9.8, or preferably the current 
CVS version. Version 1.0.10 does not contain any PowerPC support at 
all. Since we are very close to releasing version 2.0, CVS is quite 
stable at the moment, so I would recommend you to use that one (it 
contains some extra fixes compared to 1.9.8, both on the PowerPC and 64 
bit fronts).

Good luck with the port!


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