[fpc-devel]Re: CVS compilation problems.

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Jul 15 22:11:22 CEST 2003

> On 03.07.15., Balogh, Karoly (Charlie/iNQ) wrote:
> > The Linux PPC RTL compilation is broken too, while compiling 
> > system.pp i get:
> > /usr/bin/ppcppc -Ur -Xs -n -Fi../inc -Fi../powerpc -Fi../unix -Fe. 
> > -dpowerpc -dRELEASE -Us -Sg system.pp
> > system.pp(35,2) Fatal: Can't open include file "sysunixh.inc"
> > 
> > I'm using the PPC version Jonas gave me as base (dated 2003/06/02).
> I just cross-compiled a new PPC compiler & rtl, using yesterday's 
> Linux/x86 snapshot compiler as the base, and using the latest CVS 
> sources, but the problem is still there. 

Then I think your CVS is rotten. Try to cycle with -va, and see if there are
files marked with an asterisk, or "recompiling unit" lines.

Try to clean linux/ manually.

While the nightly ppc build failed for some vague reasons that I've
hopefully fixed, I ran it manually, and put the generated (CVS 15-07-2003
+/- 21:00 CET) compiler on http://www.stack.nl/~marcov/ppcppc.bz2

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