[fpc-devel]Re: some m68k releated stuff

Balogh, Karoly (Charlie/iNQ) charlie at scenergy.dfmk.hu
Sat Apr 5 23:26:10 CEST 2003


On 2003-04-03, Carl Eric Codere wrote:

> Forget about sing make under AmigaOS, the problem with the ported
> version of GNU tools as they mimic UNIX too much, so paths, and
> everything else must be run in ksh, but by doing that, FPC no longer
> recgnizes Amiga paths and filenames... 

Hehe, well, never say never! :)

9.Work:Develop/FPC/fixes/fpc/compiler> make compiler OS_TARGET=amiga 
CPU_TARGET=m68k FPC=ppc68k
ppc68k   -dm68k -dGDB -dBROWSERLOG -dNOOPT -Ct -Tamiga -Fum68k -Futargets 
-Fu../rtl/amiga -Fim68
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.7 [2003/01/18] for m68k
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Commodore Amiga
Compiling pp.pas
Assembling pp
Linking ./pp
9.Work:Develop/FPC/fixes/fpc/compiler> pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.7 [2003/04/05] for m68k
Copyright (c) 1993-2003 by Florian Klaempfl


Also the rtl compiles OK...

> So unless someone ports a good native version of GNU make to amiga,
> building the compiler must be done manually :(
> For the amiga script for building the amiga compiler, take a look
> at /install/amiga in the fixes branch.

Thank you, i'll take a look.

> Good luck (as it is complex!)

Well, it is still not as good as cycling a compiler, but i was able
to build a compiler using make on Amiga. So IMO it shouldn't be so
hard to fine-tune this whole stuff, and finally get a working make

[. .power.of.the.ancients. + .a2000. + .a500. + .commodore.128d. .]
[.         .cybernetic.hydraulic.android.responsible.for.        .] 
[.             .logical.infiltration.and.exploration.            .]

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