FExpand (Was: Re: [fpc-devel]Amiga68k Compilation options...)

XHajT03 at mbox.vol.cz XHajT03 at mbox.vol.cz
Sun Nov 24 17:35:28 CET 2002

From:           	Nils Sjöholm <nils.sjoholm at mailbox.swipnet.se>
To:             	fpc-devel at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl
Subject:        	Re: [fpc-devel]Amiga68k Compilation options...
Date sent:      	Sun, 24 Nov 2002 16:13:33 +0100
Send reply to:  	fpc-devel at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl

> I think the problem with paths has something to do with
> fexpand, I will do some more test and try to compile a
> native amigacompiler on uae and see if the result is
> the same.

 Not really strange... ;-) There's IFDEF UNIX in fexpand.inc 
currently; if Amiga uses forward slashes _and_ doesn't define UNIX 
(which I suspect is true), it doesn't work correctly now. I'll 
correct it and let all you know afterwards (I can't test it on all 
platforms, of course, so it's possible I might break something).


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