[fpc-devel]32 bit programs

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Tue Jul 2 16:14:22 CEST 2002

On maandag, juli 1, 2002, at 07:55 , Rimgaudas Laucius wrote:

> It is not answers i expected. I want to how 32 bit command are 
> converted to 16 bit commands if it is so? And how is organized program 
> adress space?

That has not really anything to do with FPC, but with the Dos extender 
we use (go32 version 2). We didn't write the Dos extender, so we also 
don't know the details about how it does that. Maybe you can find more 
information on the website of the author, <http://www.delorie.com>


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