[fpc-devel]32 bit programs

Samuel Liddicott sam at liddicott.com
Mon Jul 1 10:22:26 CEST 2002

Rimgaudas Laucius wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Samuel Liddicott" <sam at liddicott.com>
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Rimgaudas Laucius" <rimga at ktl.mii.lt>
>> To: <fpc-devel at deadlock.et.tudelft.nl>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 7:06 AM
>> Subject: [fpc-devel]32 bit programs, COM
>>> Hi.
>>> I don't understand how 32 bit programs loads and runs under DOS?
>>> With a DOS extender?
>>> Maybe someone can explain me this process.
>>> Why can i debug them with 16  bit Turbo Debuger?
>> Well I used to debug 16 bit windows 3.1 programmes written in delphi
>> with turbo debugger (for dos) under windows 95 (when I hadn't got
>> the source).
> It is not answers i expected. I want to how 32 bit command are
> converted to 16 bit commands if it is so? And how is organized
> program adress space?

32 bit programmes can be run under a dos extender.

I can't answer about whether or not 16 bit turbo debugger can debug 32 bit
programmes or whether or not you were using 16 bit turbo debugger or whether
or not there is a 16 bit turbo debugger, but I did say that I was using a
"dos" turbo debugger to debug windows programmes.

I don't think I have the real answer for you, sorry


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